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Keeping Calm over the Xmas Period!


Yes it is unbelievably that time of year again.. CHRISTMAS!!...eeeekkk!!

Where has 2018 gone? Did you manage to enjoy any of it?

I know my year was full on hectic. My Mum had surgery for a huge brain aneurysm, I was and still am healing with my Hashimotos, my Dad was diagnosed with severe osteoporosis, numerous trips to see my little sis who's in the Navy, helping my other sister's and studying and working in between.... Phew!! Makes me tired just thinking about the epically huge year I have had..

But I had a little secret weapon that helped me get back on track when I was stressed and overwhelmed... Have you heard or seen Australian Bush Flower Essences?

If not, you are so missing out on good vibes and energy.. hehe!

Australian Bush Flower Essences are amazing. They have been beautifully created by Ian White, who uses meditation and intuition to pick the perfect flowers to create blends and single essences for so many life and health issues. The essences work on an energy and vibrational level, which means it works on both the physical and mental aspect of the body and allows relief and release of any issues we may be holding on to.

Some days I can suffer from anxiety and overwhelm, you know those feelings of too much pressure, too many people, too much to do at work or home, too much going on in your head, too much of anything really... You start to worry, to overthink, to freak out, to cry, to get angry, to lose it, to sweat, to get a tight feeling in your chest and then you crumble......

All of this makes some days too freaken hard yeah?!!

So this is where my little secret weapon comes into play... YASS!!!

It's called Calm & Clear.... Aaahhh just writing and thinking of this beautiful essence creates a wave of peacefulness over me!

This essence helps create a space of calmness and clarity, it washes over your body and energy field cleansing the stuck and yuck energies. Plus, it smells divine!!

Calm & Clear comes in a body mist, drops and an oral spray.

The body mist allows you to spray over you or your kiddies (which works miracles on the littlies when they are having a little meltdown moment or are anxious about an upcoming event or trip); the drops you can take under your tongue, add to foods, drinks and water; and the oral spray is a nice quick squirt in the mouth.

The different ways to use the essence is just a personal preference, I love the spray and the drops ( I add these into my water and they are just magic in bliss balls).

So if you're feeling the strain of the silly season, or need to refresh to get you into the holiday spirit, I highly recommend you give Calm & Clear a go and see how you feel.

I also do consults just on Australian Bush Flower Essences and can make up specific blends for what you're needing.

For more information feel free to send me a message or call In-Symmetry Romsey Wellness Centre to make an appointment - (03)54293610.

Much Love

Jen xx

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