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Beating Winter with Reiki & Nutrition!

We're almost half way through Winter, even though we've had some amazing Spring kinda days!

Hands up if you have already been sick or if your children keep getting sick? Nothing worse than trying to enjoy the school holidays when you have a sick household. Boo!!

Do you find that someone in your house just gets over a cold and then a week later they have the sniffles again, or it has been shared amongst the family?

That's a sign of a weak immune system... Now there's so many things that weaken your immune system from stress, nutrient poor foods and drinks, underlying illness, different kinds of energies, lack of sleep.. The list goes on!!

But you cannot catch a cold from being cold or from being out in the rain and getting wet.. You actually catch a cold or the flu from a virus!! If your immune system isn't strong enough to defend your body from foreign bodies, these viruses are able to sneak on in and cause upset in your body and throw the balance out.

The past 12 months I have focused on healing my gut health and balancing my body. For those of you that don't know, I have Hashimoto's Thyroiditis.... Which is an autoimmune dis-ease, where your immune system goes all "Hulk" and tries to destroy anything in your body that it thinks is "bad"... In my case it began to attack my thyroid, which has caused me so much pain and emotional damage.. I am however super excited to say that I have brought this back under control through good nutrition, reiki and Acupuncture.

But back to you and your family's health.. I am excited to share with you an awesome soup from the JBT program which your gut will just love. It has so many nourishing ingredients that will help your immune system survive through Winter.

Immunity Broth...


750ml homemade broth (JBT recipe)

270ml 100% coconut cream

1 inch knob of fresh ginger

1 inch knob of fresh turmeric (or 1/2 tsp powdered)

1-2 cloves garlic (depends on how much you love it)

Juice of 1-2 limes, to taste

1/2 bunch coriander, roughly chopped

Himalayan salt, to taste


Chop ginger and turmeric. 2 sec, spd 6 and then set aside.

Without washing the bowl. Gently warm the stock and coconut cream. 8 mins, spd 2, 100 degrees Celsius.

Add ginger and turmeric and simmer for 1 min, spd 2 100.

important not to over cook, as you will lose the immune boosting goodness,

Season to taste with salt and lime (Kinda sounds as if it's Tequila time.. haha) and then garnish with coriander (if too strong add into soup earlier).

Feel free to add shredded chicken (from homemade broth) and your fave veggies and increase cooking time by 10 mins.

I tend to make up a couple of batches so I can freeze some.. Even though this is written with Thermomix instructions, you can also do this on the stove or in a slow cooker!

Another great way to boost your immune system is through Reiki, which is one of my most fave modalities... Through energy I am able to heal and clear the blockages around your immune system to allow room for it to flourish and do the job it loves.

Your immune system is located in your gut, cha ching, did the light bulb flash?!

That's why in my Nutrition consults I encourage you to heal and love your gut.. Gut health is super important for your body to function properly and to make it strong as an ox!

In my reiki healing's I always work a lot on the chakras. Our 2nd chakra, which is known as the sacral or naval chakra is located around the gut and shines a beautiful orange colour (Cha ching!! Vit C). When there are imbalances in this chakra, it generally means that you will become a vessel for catching every cold going around. Eekk!!!

Our body is amazing, let's love it the way it deserves!!

I'd love to to hear from you if you make this yummy gut loving soup..... And if you'd like to try some reiki to shake the Winter sludge, I'd love to help you.

Bookings can be made via In-Symmetry-Romsey Wellness Centre on (03) 54293610 or follow the link below.

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