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Jen's 5 tips for refreshing your mind!

Do you go to bed exhausted and wake up tired?

Living is hard work and as we kick off a brand new year we are busier than ever.. No wonder we are totally pooped at the end of the day and then our bodies aren't getting enough time to really rest and recharge.

I have been suffering from Adrenal Fatigue, which I'm sure so many of you are also. It's hard for me to unwind at night for bed, I'm tired most of the time, but my body just wants to go, go, go!! Arrrggghhhh

So I have 5 fabulous and easy tips that you can do anywhere at anytime!

1. Breathe - Sounds easy enough yeah? But sometimes we aren't breathing deep enough to get the oxygen into our blood to help relieve stress.

Upon waking with your eyes still closed, take 10 deep and fulfilling breaths. In through your nose and out through your nose, really being present with your breath. Make your last breath out through your mouth. You can also do this at any time during the day.

2. Appreciate nature - This is definitely a favourite of mine..

Take 5 mins to:

* Stand in the sunshine,

* Be barefoot in the grass,

* Sit by a tree,

* Stand or place your hands in water outside,

* Stop and smell the flowers,

* Watch the animals,

3. Meditate - This is amazing to re-balance your energy. I use YouTube, a CD or just imagine what would make me happy in that moment.

Find a nice peaceful place where you wont be disturbed, your meditation doesn't have to be a long one as you will still feel the benefits. And don't worry if you haven't meditated before, you'll do fine.

4. Write down 5 things that you are grateful for each day before bed. This helps clear your mind and unwind before sleep. We are too busy rushing that sometimes we forget to be grateful.

5. Practice yoga - You'll be amazed at how good you feel afterwards. Your body needs to be stretched and rested, along with your mind. It incorporates breathing into each position, again it doesn't have to be a long session. I also use YouTube to find a video that resonates with how I am feeling at that moment, recently I have been finding videos that aim at hormonal balance, the thyroid and adrenals.

I'd love to know what things you do to help refresh your mind, please comment them below.

Jen xx

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