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Peanut Butter Chocolate Time!

You're either a peanut butter fan or you're not! I never used to really like peanut butter, but now it is defs a fave..

Peanut butter is a great source of protein, which is needed for cell function, energy, muscle growth and recovery. It also contains good fats for brain & heart health, magnesium and calcium for bone formation and maintenance, Vit A, Vit E, Zinc, Folate........ So much goodness in one teeny little peanut, how could you not love them?!

I now add peanut butter to celery sticks, apples, smoothies, bliss balls, hot chocolate and the ever awesome chocolate.... hehe

I love the Mayver's peanut butter, but the Pic's peanut butter is great also and both contain no sugar or nasties.

I used my Thermomix for this recipe, but can also be made in a pot on the stove.


150g coconut oil,

80g cacao powder,

100g rice malt syrup or maple syrup, (adjust to taste if cacao is too strong)

1 tsp vanilla essence,

2 tbs of crunchy peanut butter (can use smooth also).


Melt coconut oil (2mins, 70'C, spd 2), or in a saucepan, gentle heat.

Add in the rest of the ingredients, stir until completely blended (2mins, 70'C, spd 4).

Pour into moulds or into tin/container lined with baking paper.

Pop into freezer to set, once set, enjoy!!

Can also be used as a top layer of slice, cake icing, bliss ball coating etc.

*Rice malt makes chocolate a little fudgy... Maple syrup more like chocolate.

Share your peanut butter choc creations in the comments!

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